SSPLIT House by Ed Seymour

The S.S.P.L.I.T. House, which stands for "Sustainable Solutions Platform for Life Interaction & Tradition," is a comprehensive design geared specifically towards the rehabilitation of the Broadmoor neighborhood in New Orleans. It is small, affordable and green in response to the specific needs of the devastated region for which it is designed for. While striving for a holistic approach, to provide occupants with a poetic, uplifting, energy-saving, flexible home they can be proud to live in. A reinterpretation of the traditional New Orleans Shotgun house, the SPLIT House is composed of a "service wing" and "leisure wing." The service wing consists of the necessary bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, and mechanical areas, while the leisure wing consists of open spaces like the living, dining, kitchen, and porches. All spaces have rearrangeable components allowing for space-saving multi-purpose use, while providing the occupants with many options for t...